Sunday, November 25, 2012

Houses quilt

This has not been a time for quilting; it's been a time for thanksgiving!  I am so thankful for my family and I did see most of them on Thanksgiving Day, we ate and talked and enjoyed each other's company on that day, and promised we'd get together like this more often - not just on holidays.  Christmas is coming and we will meet and talk and eat and visit again.

The only quilting I've done is to finish layering and binding the "houses quilt."  I still would like to do something special in the 'vacant lots' and can't quite decide what.  I tried a sashiko roof outline and had LOTS of trouble getting the sashiko needle through the layers.  I might try a smaller sharper needle with embroidery floss.  Or machine-quilt the outline with contrasting thread.  Indecision!

I am more concerned at this time of year to finish recent projects, and to decide about Christmas gifts, quilting and otherwise.  After Christmas I will be able to look at my UFOs and more recently begun projects and make decisions and actually SEW.

Friday, November 16, 2012


I'm making slow progress this week.  Doing more thinking/planning than actually doing.  I guess that's necessary too.

The table topper is done, ready to set on one of the tables at the Crazy Quilters' holiday luncheon.  The topper is very simple - I'm into simple lately.

I've assembled my 'Houses quilt.'  On the pattern the houses were outlined and doors and pathways were shown.  I determined how to free-motion quilt these details with no thread breaks and a minimum of  stitching over lines already made, and started in...  My machine-stitching is so bad that I had to take it out!  So I will use my walking foot instead and quilt less detail.  My friend Joan suggested hand-quilting the outline of a house in those spaces.  This is 'Neighborhood Charm Quilt' on Moda Bake Shop.

I'm previewing some novelty prints and other fabric to make a needle case or two that I saw here at CuttoPieces

NOW I need to decide what to give family for Christmas.  I saw at  exuberantcolor so many, many ideas - simple technique - great, wild color combinations.  I will look at my fabric today and see what I like.

Friday, November 9, 2012

It's baaack!

<singing> hey la di la my Bernina's back
I REALLY missed it!

So I quilted this little Christmas table topper - a simple stitch-in-the-ditch - and made the binding.  I will machine-bind it today and save the hand-binding for chatting for friends.

During my downtime, I layed out the squares for my houses quilt, balancing the colors.  Hopefully will assemble this one today.

and I rearranged my fabrics.  I had boxed those older ones that I didn't use much, but I found that I wanted to be able to see and touch all my fabrics at once.

I plan on a little FMQ practice today too!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Still downtime

Well, this has been a disappointing week for me - my Bernina is in the shop and I am at loose ends.  It is so sad to walk into my sewing room and not to see it there.

The members of my class were requested to make Christmas table toppers for a Holiday 'do' in December, and I DID put one together, and layered it.

I also finished binding my Squares quilt (UFO #1) and it is the first quilt I have made that I have been able to actually cuddle under!  I am sooo enjoying it!  The few finished quilts I've done in the past have been baby quilts and table toppers and hanging quilts.  I am so proud of this quilt!

In the absence of my machine, I layered 2 of my UFO tops and gave away 2 more of my boxed UFOs.  I am soon going to be down to the really difficult, long-lasting ones.  But that's a good thing I think!  I will be doing the quilts that are really worth doing and that I will really be proud of when they are done!

My number of UFOs is down to 8 tops and 11 boxed.  I will spend this downtime planning the quilting stitches for the recently layered ones.