Sunday, March 30, 2014

End of March

It's the end of March and I have nothing finished or even in work to show for this month!  I follow ExuberantColor's blog - read it every morning with my coffee, and wish I accomplished a fraction of her work.  Part of my reason is many of my projects are very long term - elaborate hand appliqué begun by my mother and continued by me - hopefully in my lifetime!  And I'm also a non-finisher - good intentions, bad follow-through.

I just learned that one of my quilting buddies has cancer.  I'm putting off visiting her until I can do so without crying.  I remember doing the same with my mother, and when I finally got to the hospital, she was happily talking with one of the hospital attendants about his daughter!  I'm at loose ends today.

I encourage my family to take quilts that they like, but that just doesn't happen.  At first it bothered me that they just don't like/appreciate them, but I realize that I really make them for ME.  Some I don't like anymore - some are purple, some are old-fashioned jewel tones, but I look back and see that I learned something from each one and that is important to me.  I take photos and give those to philanthropy and document what I learned in my quilting book.

I'm going to quilt some today - more appliqué and a fabric Easter basket.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Morning Glory Progress

No quilting finishes at all so far this year!  I got a new mac early this year and have been taking classes, learning everything I can.  I transferred all photos from my PC, and I now know a LOT about iPhoto.  I have basic knowledge on most other things, but still have trouble printing.

I finally finished the last bit of appliqué on this second corner of my morning glory quilt.  I also pieced the rest of the flower and leaf units for the remaining two corners.

I have a good start on the stems of the 3rd corner.  The stems are my least favorite part!

Mama took this photo of the finished quilt.  Jeri Lopes designed it, and she sent me instructions after mama died so that I could finish what mama started.  There was no pattern.  Mama had bought the fabric - so much that both my cousin Marce and I had enough to complete our quilts.  We began in 1995, and Marce finished hers long ago!  Hopefully I won't take too many more years to finish mine.

Here is my Riley Blake challenge quilt - that was due to be 'flicker'd a week ago.  It's still in strips on my design wall.

I had a visitor a few weeks ago - a heron, I believe.  I don't know why he is so far inland.  

Maybe I'll finish something in March.