As Leah suggested I let my UFOs talk to me and this is the result:
I did have 33 UFOs: 24 in boxes and 9 tops (that I showed in a previous post). One became a WIP, 3 were downsized, 7 were thrown away, 4 will become someone else's UFO. Now I have 12 UFOs that have no top yet and 8 UFO tops. So 20 UFOs total. Progress! These are my boxed projects now - they used to fill that closet!

Quilt top #1 - was UFO
Quilt top #10
Houses quilt
Here are my boxed UFOs:
These 7 are inherited from my mom. Some were made when she was very sick, which makes them difficult to let loose of:
1- Angel tree skirt - partly done applique project
2- Pinwheel quilt - 100 4 1/2 inch squares made - pinwheels and patches - downsizing to just those already done to make baby quilt
3- Dollbed quilts - barely started, toss 'em, recycle fabric
4- Double Irish Chain quilt - completely cut, but I will (maybe) give this one away (vacillating)
5- Mama quilt hanging - a dozen appliqued planned, will downsize to the 6 already done
6- Morning Glory large quilt - lots done, lots to go, a keeper
7- Elf in a box Christmas ornament - elf done, just need to buy piping and make the box
These I started:
8- Monster quilt #2 (another is a UFO top) - fussy-cut monsters behind openable doors (grandsons these were made for are now 12)
9- Friends - to be given away
10- Nativity hanging - all piecing done, all of appliqued people to make, with no picture!
11- Variable Star - almost done, only border containing edges of stars to figure out
12- Lovebird Lane - squares are pieced, most of machine fusing and quilting to be done
13- Whimsical Garden hanging - 12 squares planned, downsized to 2 already done
14- Venice Rose hanging, toss the 1 square , recycle lots of batiks
15- Lone Star hanging - toss the 1 square, recycle lots of batiks
16- NSG hanging - save the 3 squares in 'extra squares' box, recycle lots of batiks
17-18- Father Christmas hangings (2) - will give these away
19-21- bags (3) - toss these
22- Fabric manipulation hanging - will keep going
23- Bird houses - 12 squares won at guild meeting - will be a hanging
24-Snowmen - also 12 squares won at quilt meeting - to be a hanging
I spent all week working on a UFO and enumerating UFOs. It will be better if I spend some time on something new! All work and no play, you know... So I made some small halloween table toppers - only they're smaller than I thought they'd be, so they are 3 roomy placemats...
I am also starting one of my new projects - a house quilt that I saw on pinterest and happened (really!) to buy the same fabric for. So far the house squares are done.
So... this week I will work on my new Houses Quilt, and another UFO - haven't decided yet which one.