Thursday, October 4, 2012


I decided to shame myself and display all my 'hanging' UFOs - those with the top finished.  There are still more in boxes!

The first one was already pinned so I started to quilt it today!  I quilted around the squares, but there is detail within each square to be done - I'm considering free motion quilting those smaller parts, even though they are straight lines, mainly because the bulk makes it very awkward to change direction within a square.
the star quilt:  the back has a very sun-faded line so I'll have to replace the back.
The monster quilt - each square has a door with a fussy-cut monster inside!
 A brick quilt - queen size!
 This is my first quilt done in a class - each square is different.  The camera changed the colors...
These squares were hand-appliqued and hand-pieced by mama.  I added the white squares, set it, and added the borders.  All the squares should be hand-quilted since the main squares are hand done, but what a job that will be!

And this last one is really a WIP - I had to pin it to get it off my sewing room floor!

(I'm having trouble setting the pictures side by side and adding text next to each picture - some allow it and some don't!   I'll figure it out eventually.)


  1. these are all great!!And very worthy of finishes!! I vote start and #1 (LOVE) and then #9(LOVE).Although #5 is fitting with the season. If you want to speed up the process, you could opt to make some of them backs and have double sided quilts. Good luck!

    1. Thanks for commenting Danielle - and I did start with #1 - the squares are outlined and I'm free motioning the straight lines inside them. I have the back chosen for #9, but I may choose #5 because it's already pinned, and doesn't require any FMQing.

  2. Wow that is a lot of quilts and they look great. How you going to tackle them?

    1. I'm doing #1 now - only about 3 more hours of FMQ :) then just doing each one one at a time - it helped to 'announce' that they are there to be done - thanks for commenting!

  3. What a great collection. You go girl! It's going to be a cozy warm winter at your house with all the quilts you are going to finish : )

    If you don't want to free motion the straight lines you have in mind, I had a quilt that I stitched in the ditch with my walking foot (so, similar in that straight lines were involved). There were gaps of a few inches every so often because of the way the blocks were rotated. Instead of stopping and starting lines of quilting, I locked the stitches at the end of a block, raised the needle and advanced the quilt to the next start point. Then I locked the first few stitches and kept going. Afterwards, I trimmed the threads that stretched across the jumps and buried those threads. That was a baby quilt I gave to a friend; I haven't heard of any problems. (When I gave it to her, I guaranteed the stitching for life!)

    1. Ha ha about the baby quilt! I appreciate your commenting and yes it will be cozy warm! I did stitch in the ditch with walking foot, and have JUST finished the FMQ on the interior lines and I have just about a billion threads to bury (the way that Leah showed us), so I wish I'd quilted it differently like your suggestion, My workmanship is pathetic, but it's a learning experience and it's DONE, just thread burying and binding to do. BTW the cheater needle and thread are SLIPPERY, so I'm trying to use my machingers while burying. I will share it on next UFO Sunday!
