I'm back - hopefully for more regular posts. I'll try to make short posts - and not take too long and correct every word! ha!
Today was not a quilting day - very tired. Mickey's class today - always fun - and nice after her month's vacation. I had nothing to show over this month, working ON things but not finishing. The Octagon quilt is going slowly - it is going to be beautiful! I chose the blue kit that Cecile made - wish I had chosen the happy multicolor one, but it's hard to select fabric. I will be very happy with the blue anyway - it's displayed in her shop, and I love it.
Yesterday I read a post about organizing a sewing room - just up my alley! The first item on the list is to take a before picture, and to list UFOs, then list quilts I'd like to make. I'm pretty well organized already, but had never listed them. I searched my quilt piles for the completed tops, and of course had to search ALL my quilts to make sure I'd not forgotten to put them in my quilt book. Found finished tops - 6 of them - some to quilt and some to send out. I ordered fabric for the back of one on craftsy - batik for 5.17/yard - 4 yds will be just right - $29 with tax and shipping. Now on to unfinished quilt tops - some have been in boxes for years! Found 10, and listed what needed to be done yet. And there are 13 items in my closet with pattern and all the fabric ready to go - some are kits.
Am inspired to quilt - maybe tomorrow will have more energy. Mickey wants us to bring fabric for the next block in our row-by-row, and my MQG gave us fabric to make our BOM. We pull tickets to win all blocks made. I brought my 18" hanging last week to share with the other members. The members sure do pretty work. Mine will get better - need more creativity.
Tomorrow our friendship group will work on our group quilt to be auctioned at the bi-yearly Flying Geese Quilt Auction. The snowman face blocks are going to be great!
OK, 20 minutes - not going to agonize over every word. Tomorrow is another day.
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